Norbert Schepers
Norbert Schepers
Geboren 1968, lebt
überwiegend in Bremen, ist Diplom-Politikwissenschaftler und
hauptsächlich in den Bereichen (politische) Bildung, Gestaltung
(print & web) und Kommunikation tätig.
Born in 1968, mostly
living in Bremen, political scientist, mainly active in the areas
of (political) education, design (print & web) and communication.
Februar / February
2004 |
26.-29.02.2004 Munich
Movements and technologies of the common
February 26th to 29th young artists, filmmakers, musicians, theorists
and activists from all over Europe and many other parts of the world
will meet at the Muffathalle in Munich for a number of events, speeches,
discussions, presentations, performances, concerts and actions reflecting
the pulse of the age.
A new generation
of media and network initiatives from all over Europe and different
parts of the world present and work on their projects in a broad
interactive framework that explores the different conceptual and
practical idioms used to articulate and create new social, political
and artistic practices.
Originating within
the networking culture of open communications and free exchange
the event aims to connect contemporary debates on mobility, migration
and social movements with new media instruments, information and
communication technologies [more]
"Ein kleines Bergen-Belsen"
Geschichtspolitik in Niedersachsen: Kommune und Landkreis verhindern
eine Gedenkstätte in Sandbostel
Reportage zusammen
mit Peer Heinelt über das ehemalige Kriegsgefangenen- und KZ-Auffanglager
Stalag Xb in der niedersächsischen Gemeinde Sandbostel.
in der Tageszeitung junge Welt vom 04.02.2004 [mehr] |